April News

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Eigiau Class

It was very busy here at the end of the Spring Term and everyone has returned to school ready for a busy and exciting Summer Term! At the end of last term Eigau Class had a special visitor in the class for the morning. As part of the Little Blue Train theme they had planned a party for Nel the dog. The children and Nel got along extremely well and the children showed very special care towards her. They have already been busy planting during their first week back and they will learn a lot about growing vegetables and plants as part of their Supertaten theme.

Melynllyn Class

Melynllyn class children planned a Spring Treasure Hunt for each other and they were also going to have a picnic in the park like the bear did in the story Whatever Next? They managed to get dry weather for their hunt but unfortunately they had to have their picnic under roof. They had a busy day preparing their picnic following research into food prices online and e mailed Mrs Lloyd Owen with their food lists. They also helped the Asda delivery driver when he arrived with the food. They have already been busy since returning after the Easter holidays imitating Van Gogh's Sunflowers as part of their theme ‘If I were an ant’.

  • Children in dosbarth melynllyn going for a walk to the park

Dulyn Class

At the end of March Dulyn Class children were invited to Capel Tal y Bont to be part of the Easter story. Thanks to Reverend Owain Davies and to members of the chapel for organising. It was a great opportunity for the children to learn the story and to be part of the activities. Like all other classes they have also been planting wildflower seeds, and all the flowers will be planted on the Tal y Bont playing fields on May 8th. Children and their families will be invited to be part of the planting work.

  • Man walking through wild flowers

Geirionydd Class

Congratulations to the North Wales Potatoes - Dim Clem, Quiz Team, for coming 3rd through Conwy County! The children of Geirionydd Class also had the opportunity to be part of a workshop about the Second World War. They have been reading Grandpa's Great Escape  and have learned a lot about that period in time. Seeing all the artefacts and hearing the history of the period during the workshop was an excellent opportunity for them to learn more. They also had the opportunity to research food from the period and each group in the class had the opportunity to cook a recipe and compare it with today's food.

On the last day of the term each class had the opportunity to complete an Easter Egg Hunt and everyone managed to go home with a chocolate egg. We have also received our Mini Bus  and we look forward to having the opportunity to use it to transport children to local visits once the staff have completed the driving test.

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