February news

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A short but very busy month here at Ysgol Dyffryn yr Enfys! Cari, Mali and Efa must be congratulated for their success in the Melin y Coed Eisteddfod and to all the children who also competed in the writing and Art and Craft activities. Some children will also be competing in the Urdd District Eisteddfod on March 2nd and we wish them the best of luck.

Everyone had the opportunity to celebrate Welsh Music Day by listening to a variety of music, to dance with their friends and some also competed in a quiz. The children have chosen their favorite songs and now the playlist plays daily in the reception area.

We will also hold a School Eisteddfod on March 1st and it will be an opportunity for all classes to perform and for some to practice for the Urdd Eisteddfod.

Dosbarth Geirionydd

The class visited Nant Bwlch yr Haearn Center for two nights at the beginning of the month. They had a worthwhile first day and good weather but by the second day it was pouring rain! Poor them! However they all tried their very best to complete the activities and the challenges. The children walked a gorge, went on the zip wire, cleaned the minibus and prepared their lunch, walked over 3 miles in the heavy rain, climbed a wall, did some orienteering and also had the opportunity to relax by playing a variety of games and watching a film . The children in Geirionydd and Melynllyn Classes also received a Spectrum workshop which is funded by the Welsh Government and focuses on Healthy Relationships.

  • Children in dosbarth geirionydd in the gorge

Dosbarth Dulyn

The children received scooter training and were listening and following instructions carefully. By now they should be aware of how to keep safe on the roads. It was Children's Mental Health Week and the children decided that going for a walk in the fresh air with their friends would be very good for their well-being so that's what they did one fine morning. The children have also started receiving rugby training from the Dyffryn Conwy Rugby Officer and they must be praised for working hard and working together in the sessions.

Dosbarth Melynllyn

By now the children are learning 'Dacw mam yn dwad' and have been leading the learning by asking a variety of questions about water. They have been researching the names of local rivers, have been making watercolor paintings and have also been learning about how people transported water from the well in the past. They are busy planning an investigation on how to do this themselves. We had an excellent assembly from the class on unique birds and being unique. At the end of the month they planted daffodils outside the classroom hoping for some colour and good weather over the next few weeks.

  • A child in dosbarth melynllyn making watercolor paintings

Dosbarth Crafnant

The children in the class have been finishing their learning which has focused on the theme of ‘Fuoch chi’rioed ym morio’ and have been looking at various shells and developing their drawing skills. In addition they have been looking at the work of Henri-Edmond Cross and trying to recreate their own paintings using their fingers. There was great excitement in the class one morning because a message in a bottle had arrived and this inspired the children to write their own replies in messages.

  • Children in dosbarth crafnant learning about various shells

Dosbarth Eigiau

We have very clever little children in our Nursery class who have already learnt a lot of the sounds of the alphabet and can count and recognise numbers up to 5. Well done children! They also sing the register every morning in Welsh and can sign it too. They are busy learning about St David before our celebrations on March the 1st and are currently painting daffodil pictures and learning about the Welsh flag.

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