July news

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And that's it! Another school year is over and once again it's been a busy and exciting time here in Dyffryn yr Enfys.


Each class had the opportunity to go on a visit related to their theme. All the Foundation Phase children went to Pili Pals. They had a wonderful day learning about the animals and an opportunity to play. Dosbarth Geirionydd went to the Llangollen Eisteddfod on Children's Day as part of their Festival theme. They had the opportunity to watch a bit of the Eisteddfod in the pavilion and then wander around the field to spend their money. Dosbarth Dulyn went to Foel  Farm Park and they also had the opportunity to learn about animals, to go on a tractor ride and time to play.

Garrog Festival

The Garrog Festival will take place on September 10th in  Snowdonia, Adventure Park, Dolgarrog and as part of the preparations workshops were held here at the school. The children of Dosbarth Geirionydd had the opportunity to compose a Garrog rap and all other classes had the opportunity to create masks in order to take part in a parade that will advertise the festival. They all also had the opportunity to print their hands with paint on the Garrog himself who will be present at the festival!

  • A child in dosbarth geirionydd showing his red, blue and silver mask that's he's created

Sports Day

We were lucky to have a dry morning in order to hold our Mabolgamapau and it was nice to see families coming to watch the children. It was also a pleasure to watch the children enjoy and co-operate so well in the competitions they had created. Some of the Dosbarth Geirionydd children got soaking during their water race and then Mr Jones got them even wetter with water from their buckets at the end!

Year 6

We wish all the Year 6 children well on the next part of their journey in Ysgol Dyffryn Conwy in September. They had a full last week here at school which included an assembly they had planned themselves, a water fight (another !), a visit and food at Zip World in Betws y Coed and a party to finish the week!

It has been an extremely busy and exciting year here and everyone is looking forward to the holidays. Thank you to everyone for their support this year and we look forward to another successful year in September!

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