June News

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The month of June has been very busy here with a variety of activities taking place across the school.

Eigiau Class

The children have been looking after  caterpillars carefully and have been carefully watching them grow daily. They were delighted to see the caterpillars change into a chrysalis and then turn into a butterfly. They went out to the field to watch them be released and fly. As part of their Health and Wellbeing sessions they had a Wellbeing Day and an opportunity to relax in their pyjamas, sit in the den discussing their favorite books and enjoy hot chocolate.

Melynllyn Class

The children have been learning about how bees carry pollen from one flower to another by completing practical tasks with Cheesy Puffs! They saw how their hands carried the yellow crumbs of the cheesy puffs from one paper flower to another which is similar to how bees carry it on their legs! Good children challenging themselves not to lick their fingers after eating! They have also been busy practicing their spoken Welsh skills by playing the role of the giant from Jack and The Beanstalk in the small world area!

Dulyn Class

The children visited  Dangerpoint where they had the opportunity to learn about dangers in our society. They also went for a walk on a sunny afternoon looking for various animal habitats around the village and also had the opportunity to learn about the environment. Catrin from the Water Board has also been to school to present a workshop on the importance of water in our lives and to ensure that we don't waste it.


  • Children in dosbarth dulyn visited dangerpoint

Geirionydd Class

Year 6 had an excellent opportunity to learn about the dangers of swimming outdoors by being the first school to be part of the  Safe Swimming Scheme on the beach at Porth Eirias. The children learned very important lessons about how to keep safe. They have also been busy planning and sewing puppets for the children of Eigaiu Class and have challenged themselves to learn new sewing skills. They were keen to write scripts for presenting a Puppet Show to the children. The Eigau Class children were delighted to be able to watch the show in our Carneddau Cabin and hearing the children's laughter lifted everyone's spirits.

Summer Festival Day

We decided to hold a day to celebrate the Summer and organised a Summer Festival Day. Alun Tan Lan came here to perform in our service before leading Ukele sessions with the children. Marc from MW Sport also came here and organised a variety of games. In addition each class created a product to raise money for their class. Eigiau Class decorated cakes for sale and Melynllyn Class created bracelets. Dulyn Class organised a stall to decorate a keyrings and Geirionydd Class had planned a variety of fun challenges and activities. Following this the children have had the opportunity to calculate the money and  with the profits and are going to buy something for their class.

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