May News

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We had a visit from Sam and James from St David's Hospice. They came to the school to hold an assembly and to present information to the children about their work and how we can help by raising money. St John's Ambulance Service also came here to hold First Aid sessions with children from Year 3- Year 6. It was a very valuable experience for them and the children responded in a mature and responsible way when trying out their skills on the dummies and on their friends.


Dosbarth Eigiau

As part of their Super Potato theme the children have been learning about superheroes and tall buildings - 'skyscrapers'. They went out for a walk to the village to look for some. Fortunately for them they found the tall Hilton building and compared it to the short log cabins. To conclude their theme for this half term they are going to have a superhero party and dress up for the morning. The staff will be glad that the evil Mr pea has left Ysgol Dyffryn yr Enfys for the time being……….


Dosbarth Crafnant

The children have been confidently retelling the story of The Three Little Pigs while role playing and creating their own stories. They have been busy building their own houses and experimenting with materials. They also went out to the village to look for types of houses they found a great variety but luckily they didn't see the nasty wolf on their journey. The children have also been imitating and studying the work of Kyffin Williams and creating beautiful paintings using the same colours and techniques.


Dosbarth Melynllyn

Melynllyn  have been learning about the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and have been asking many questions - they were keen to find out information about the tallest buildings in the world and also keen to build and measure their own. They have also been applying their financial skills in the Gardening Centre which is in their class. They have been performing the story on stage which is outside the class and have recorded their performance. We as a school will be watching it soon and looking forward to their performance!


Dosbarth Dulyn and Geirionydd

The children have been researching the Olympic Games and have been experimenting with running shoes - to find out which would be best for competing. They have been measuring the friction of the various running shoes and have worked well together in groups. In addition, the Year 6 children have been helping out at our Book Fair by collecting the money and encouraging the younger children to choose suitable books. The children also received certificates for the artwork completed on Charlei and the Chocolate Factory as part of the Art Award.


The next few weeks are going to be very busy with sports day, the Summer Fair - 22/6/24 at 11am-4pm, various visits, outdoor swimming sessions and a variety of Forest School and Rugby workshops taking place. We will also hold a Talent Show at the school and we look forward to learning and seeing the talent of children (and the staff!)



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