November News

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November News

A busy month once again at Dyffryn yr Enfys! We had the opportunity to finish the half term with a Thank Service lovely in Tal y Bont Chapel and Freaky Friday on the last day. The children came to the school in freaky costumes and had the opportunity to spend the morning completing challenges and finished with a disco and competitions in the afternoon.

We had a fundraising day for Children in Need. The children attended school in their night clothes and watched films whilst drinking hot chocolate hot and marshmallows.  A lovely relaxing day but also time to reflect and remember the children who are not as lucky as us. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the charity.

It was Christmas fair here on November 23rd and lovely to see all the hustle and bustle in the school. Thank you to Christine Roberts for organising and to everyone who contributed, supported and helped us in during the fair. We succeeded in raising £821 towards the school and the Cylch .

PC Dylan came here to visit Melynllyn , Dulyn and Geirionydd classes to remind  us of the people in our a community  who are here to help


The children have been busy learning about the Stickman and have been completing a variety of tasks including Stickman yoga, learning about the parts of the body and creating a home for Stickman through using their knowledge of 2D shapes. It was also lovely see Dosbarth Dulyn children taking the children on a walk to the Garden of Remembrance helping them to Poppy biscuits.

  • Children in dosbarth dulyn making biscuits


Dosbarth Dulyn prepared an excellent assembly for us on the history Rosa Parkes. Their voices were clear and confident and the presentation very interesting and full of information about Rosa’s story. An excellent example for the rest of the school.

  • Children in dosbarth dulyn doing a presentation about the history of Rosa Parkes


Geirionydd and Dulyn had the opportunity to learn about the history of the area local when staff came from the archives to share information and artefacts and stories about people from the area. They learnt that there used to be a cinema in Dolgarrog at one point in time. Yrs 5/6 also got the opportunity to take part in a First Aid workshop and learnt skills about how to care and help others if they are in hurt or need first aid. The children have also been receiving rugby sessions from the Dyffryn Conwy Rugby Development Officer. After a few sessions they have learnt some sessions useful skills.

  • Halloween Disco Party Friday 27th October 2023
  • Children In Need - Friday 17th November 2023

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