October News

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October news

Dosbarth Eigiau

As part of their Dinosaurs theme the children have been playing in the camping corner! They also had the opportunity to practice camping in the outside area and learn about fire and safety. They went out to the field to enjoy their marshmallows! Very tasty indeed and difficult to eat neatly! They have also been learning about Autumn and went for a walk around the village looking for signs of Autumn after Uncle Phil taught them how to cross the road carefully.

Dosbarth Crafnant

Dosbarth Crafnant have been listening to the story of Little Red Riding Hood and have been practicing moving like wolves to music. They have also been learning about parts of the body by learning a new song and labeling each other. The children have also been investigating the size of their feet and have been comparing, arranging and measuring. A great opportunity to learn about time by playing the game 'What time is it Mr Wolf?' It was lots of fun too.

Dosbarth Melynllyn

The class went for a walk to the Elderly Club as it was International Older People’s Day on October 1st. They had prepared Malipops for them as a present. They have also been for a walk to Dolgarrog and Tal y Bont looking at the types of houses in the local area, and collecting and interpreting data. They have been busy planning learning areas in the classroom and helping Miss Griffiths with creating an attractive learning wall.

Dosbarth Dulyn and Geirionydd

The two classes went to visit the Bryn Cowlyd Water Treatment Plant and they had a very interesting tour learning about the journey of water and how it is filtered. Some of the children tried to create their own filter after returning but they were not going to try to drink the water this time! It was lovely to see the Year 5 and Year 6 children taking turns to prepare a morning assembly for us and we intend to create a mural with Year 6’s words after their presentation on ‘How to have a good day’. Something we should remember more often! It was Dosbarth Geirionydd and Dosbarth Dulyn's turn to go for a walk but this time to look at the names of local homes - to learn about their history, their meaning and also to create a piece of poetry.

Whole School

A Bingo Night was held and we managed to raise £496 towards the school and the Cylch Meithrin. Many thanks to Christine Roberts for organising, to the parents and friends who supported us on the night and to everyone who attended. We will be holding a Christmas Fair at the school between 6pm-8pm on November 23rd and there will be a warm welcome for all. On October 20th everyone came to school in red to support  Show Racism the Red Card. We will also be having a Thanksgiving Service in Tal y Bont Chapel on October 25th at 10 am and will celebrate the last day  of half term with a Freaky Friday – organised by the school council!

  • The whole school wearing red to Show Racism the Red Card

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